Lookout Sponsorship Programs
Updated May 18, 2024
Lookout is a challenging site with hidden hazards and complexities that are not immediately obvious. A sponsorship program has been established to get pilots the knowledge they need to fly Lookout safely. Participation in the sponsorship program is mandatory for all pilots less than P4/H4. RMHPA members rated as P3 and meeting other requirements may be sponsored. P2 and H2 pilots may not fly Lookout, visiting or not.
Sponsors are experienced pilot volunteers who are enthusiastic about safety, information sharing, and mentorship. When you contact a sponsor, they will recommend the best time for your site briefing and first flight. Your site briefing will cover the important aspects of flying at Lookout including weather and the site's complexities. Your sponsor will walk the LZs with you and accompany you launch to continue discussions. Your sponsor will allow you to launch if conditions are appropriate. You may NOT participate in a sponsored flight unless you use a radio that can be heard in-flight for receiving guidance from sponsors and other pilots flying at Lookout.
Steps for New Lookout Pilots
USHPA and RMHPA membership active. USHPA Pilot Lookup Tool
Review the site description and the sponsor walk-through docs:
Complete the Jeffco Waiver​
Have a radio programmed to 158.400 DCS 23
Have your P3/H3, or S2-P2/M1
Ask to meet a sponsor in the Lookout Telegram Group
ALL new Lookout pilots must receive a site briefing from a Sponsor.
PG Sponsors
P3s generally will need 10 sponsored flights but may be increased or decreased by the sponsor.
P4s must have a site briefing.
Ed Williams
Don Hillmuth
Sam Crater
Justin Hoggatt
Jeff Schneringer
Rick Damiani
Kevin Carter
Charlie Martin
Josh Taylor
Julie Taylor
Chris Webster
Darren Jack
Gary Vaillancourt
David Hach
Kiernan O'Donovan
Scott Drinkard
Arnaud Boucherat
Tim Meehan
Dusty Miller
Vinay Shah
Stephanie Linsley
Jack Schall
Kevin Kemps
Andrew Bradberry
HG Sponsors
Site briefing and fly 10 sponsored flights for H3s
Dean Miller
Steve Ford
Jim Yocom
JT (James Trujillo)
Tavo Gutierrez
Sam Crater
Mini Sponsors
Site briefing and fly 5 sponsored flights
Derek Bowles
Logan Hulett
Danelle Herra
Charlie Martin
Garry Vaillancourt
Walkthrough Checklist
Verify radio 158.400 DCS 23
Walk Main LZ
Discuss landing approaches.
When at or below 2nd switchback start setting up for landing.
Flying with hang gliders and clearing the LZ.
Walk South LZ
Point out Miners Field SE Corner.
Discuss landing approaches.
Sponsored pilots should try to land in the South LZ at least once during sponsored flights.
Top sock
North sock
South sock
Rockpile sock
Thermal sock
Mention hazards in Windy Gap and in Clear Creek.
Point out powerlines.
Point out the horse pasture and soccer fields.
Wind tools on the Lookout site description.