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Mt. Herman



High altitude front range thermal paradise.

Backcountry site - undeveloped but associated with RMHPA

Min Rating:

Special Skills:



High Altitude, Turbulence


Mt Herman / Sec 16 / Lincoln

Mount Hermon launches at 9,063' with a 1,200' descent to the LZ - high for the front range! Herman is a thermic paradise and might be the best mountain on the front range for XC. You can follow the mountains north to Wyoming or hit the flats for flatland xc.

When launching we recommend you take off in low wind not in a thermal. With our mountain being high up it's super easy to find your first thermal and massive climbs. It's not uncommon to get to 16,000'+.

The LZ is one of our main thermal generators which normally tracks up the front of the mountain back to launch - great for low saves! This also makes the LZ a little tricky to land into. Most likely you'll find yourself going back up and having to try again. Never force your wing down to land in the landing zone. Just ride the lift back up and try again.


Herman has 2 trails to the top. First is the most popular. Pilots will make a meet time to drive around the back for a easy hike up. Second is the steep hike up the front.

Launch is best NE E SEE. South is a bad idea for new pilot's, Mountain launch faces NE. Wind is best up to 9mph. Being a high mountain anything more you will get plucked off of launch.


LZ is at the base of the mountain. East to hit with all size of wings. As of now there's no, No landing zones. There's lots of open space to pick so pick that first before sending on private property.

Beginning pilots are required to land in the main LZ.

Launch and Landing Map


  • Air traffic? Hell Yes! Flying over black forest is the main highway for airliners into and out of Colorado Springs. The Air Force Academy has planes flying for skydiving and glider tows. Starting your flight with a call to the Air Force academy will ensure your safety in the area.

  • Midday flying is recommended for P3+. Morning and evenings would be good for P2s on light windows days. Highly recommend getting with a locals for an introduction.


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  • It is optimized for use while in-flight and will auto-update frequently.

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